Destiny seems like such a... sort of fairy tale word to me, or something out of mainstream India, where karma is huge. I wouldn't say I believe your life choices are set before you're even born.. but what about foreordination?
One means ". The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot," and the other, "To determine or appoint beforehand; predestine." Can you guess which is which?
There is hardly any difference, it's true - but that's what makes ALL the difference. Destiny is inevitable. Meaning that there is no possible way you could get out of it. However, something foreordained is only appointed - you can break appointments.
They both could lead to the same destination - but one word gives you the ability to opt out, while the other does not.
I've been contemplating the idea and meaning of destiny and other like-minded words. The Bible clearly states that God has a plan for each person (Jeremiah 29:11), and it may likewise be inferred that if He has a plan for each person, He has a plan for the world. However, it also teaches that we can and should choose what we are going to do (Deut. 30:19).
That, at first, would seem contradictory. However, when I was in Bible school, one of the teachers presented an idea that made much sense. He said that God does, indeed, have a plan, and that we each are part of it. However, the free choice part comes in this way. Let's say God has Plan 2449B, and you are the one He chose to complete it. You're person A. Now, free choice - you can either go with it, or choose not to. If you choose not to, God's plan will still get completed - He'll just have to use someone else, who maybe isn't quite so fit for the position as you would've been. But it gets done.
Another guest speaker shared a dream that she'd had as a young lady with us. In it, she dreamt that she was in a room full of babies yet to be born, yea, even yet to have their families 'assigned' (for lack of a better word). He would go to each one, and tell it about the life He wanted to place it into: "This family has drug and alcohol abuse, but I want to place you here because there will be younger children who will look up to you and I know you will be strong enough." "This family travels a lot, but you will get to meet tons of people and share your experiences all over the world with others."
Every family had its own good and bad, ups and downs. God took each prospective child and told them exactly what kind of a life he or she would have. He would then say, "I think you are the best person for this family, and you will be exactly what they need. Are you willing?"
I have my own little story, too.
Three years ago, my sister's best friend transferred to another school. My sister was very lonely without her, so the year after, she transferred as well. They both joined cheerleading, and through the team met some really awesome people and made a lot of new friends.
Enter me. I wasn't too involved in their cheer or school until the end of last year, but over the summer and throughout this year, I've gotten to know a lot of their friends, been to competitions, and attended nearly every practice.
It has come about that several of the kids on the team have needed an older sister/friend/confidante/whatever you want to call it, and that has become me. Two boys in particular have come to me with many of their problems and frustrations, and I'm building a stronger relationship with a few girls as well. Our mother has become a much of a second parent to many of them as well.
My thought this past week has been this: were Alexis and Kelsey foreordained to change schools, so that they would eventually join the cheer team, and we would meet these kids that chose us when they didn't have anyone else at those times?
We still have a choice. I could choose, even now, to stop talking to those boys and to quit attending practices. I could choose to tell them to get lost and find someone else to listen.
But, if God put them in my path and I can help them...
If He thinks I'm the best person, in that situation, that can reach them and be what they need..
Are you willing?
I am. If I'm the one they're gonna trust, I want to take pride in the fact that God thinks I'm good enough - no, that I am the best option out of the 6 billion people in this world. I want to make sure I'm prepared, with solid information and advice, so that their lives will improve when they learn how to communicate and problem solve with help from my example.
Are you? You don't have to believe that you were created for a purpose, or placed in a specific situation at a specific time, if you don't want to. It won't change anything.
But. If you DO choose to believe. If you choose to believe that you, more than any other person on the planet, were placed in the situation you're in because God knew you could change it - doesn't that make you invaluable?
Sometimes all it takes is a reversal of perspective.. instead of being the bearer of people's problems, you're now part of the solution.
Are you willing?
Ash I love you...I love how you think and I think you are gave me a suggestion as a career the other day, I'm seriously considering it. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteLove Momma
Well done Ash! You never cease to amaze me....and I learn from you...that's the cool part...see if I hadn't been the secretary at Heritage when you came I wouldn't be getting this wonderful wisdom from you :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for being an important part of my life!
Love ya!
THis is what ym friend wrote: She's a pchys major in the US :)
ReplyDeleteOne of the best analogies for God's ominpotence and whether or not He "predestines" our futures. (written by a 19 year old no less!) (Many thanks to Ria Hayden for the link ♥)